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 24-auto-repair Automotive is a honest, affordable and reliable automotive repair shop in Moscow

We are upgrading transport to electric. Since 2035 in the European Union, which is 27 countries + 8 candidate countries for accession, the production and sale of cars with internal combustion engines has been banned. This means that in Russia, where production has already been stopped, there will be nowhere to buy a car, only electric cars.
The law was passed on June 29, 2022 unanimously by all EU countries

We buy internal combustion engines at metal price


         We are seeing too slow a transition to alternative energy which is very efficient and produces huge amounts of energy daily. see here    

People are not very active, but when the heat around the planet is 50 degrees, they will think faster, but then it will be too late and there will be irreversible consequences.

Investors all over the world have accumulated a lot of money and are thinking about how to invest it profitably. Alternative energy is very profitable, and you have to think faster. Get energy, store it, transmit it through wires, charge batteries.

Energy is needed every day to run computer equipment, vehicles, machines, businesses, and more.

Invest, sponsor us, we have developed the right technology to produce power plants and electric vehicles.

         We can become millions of times richer than the richest people on the planet. Alternative energy and transportation are needed in large quantities everywhere on the planet.

Even poor countries pay at least $10 a month to use energy. The world's population is 8 billion people, and that's $80 billion a month. If people all over the planet for just one month do not use dirty energy from oil, gas, coal and nuclear plants, then with even $40 billion, we can create major enterprises within a year to mass produce energy plants and transport powered by clean energy. We will produce billions of units of equipment and in just 3 to 5 years we will have defeated the dirty power industry, the dictators and the producers of the equipment that pollutes the planet.

Send us investments, contact us through our feedback form. We can create a billion jobs.

The population of the planet should unite and fight for their happiness, then there will be a result.


         EU agrees that after 2035 new cars must be emission-free


After more than 16 hours of negotiations, EU environment ministers have reached an agreement on proposed laws to fight climate change. From 2035, only new cars and vans with zero CO2 emissions will be allowed.


The proposed package of laws aims to significantly limit the planet's warming emissions this decade.


Environment ministers from the European Union's 27 member states reached an agreement on a series of measures to combat climate change early Wednesday morning, June 29, 2022.



"The council also agreed to impose a 100 percent reduction in CO2 emissions for new cars and vans by 2035," the ministers said in a statement.


The agreement effectively means that no new cars with internal combustion engines will be allowed to be sold on the block beginning in 2035.


          The final compromise must now be agreed upon with the European Parliament, which also supports a complete ban on the sale of cars with internal combustion engines from 2035.


This is all well and good, but we cannot wait until 2035 and start releasing electric scooters, electric bicycles, electric monocopters, electric multicopters to fly people and deliver goods, and electric airplanes immediately.  By 2035 we can produce a billion pieces of eco-vehicles and we won't have any big competitors, that's our business plan and it's obvious, it will all create a big investment

Время работы:


ПН — ПТ: c 7:30 до 18:00

​СБ: с 7:30 до 24:00

​ВС: с 10:00 до 2:00






With the economy's unpredictable changes, it can be difficult to find the funds to repair and maintain your vehicle. We offer low affordable prices and specials to help keep you and your wallet happy. We also offer several discounts where applicable With our services ranging from heavy-line engine repair to tune-ups and oil changes, 24-auto-repair Automotive is your one stop auto care. Stop by and we'll help you get back on the road.

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Our Services


​- Complete Computer Diagnostics

- Complete Safety Analysis

- Drivability Problems

- Tune - ups

- Oil Changes

- Free Brake Inspection

- Brake Repair

- Mufflers and exhaust systems

- Steering and Suspensions

- Alignments


- Windshields and Window Motors


- & Much More...






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