Let's get acquainted

ArPoint - flagship in the field of interactive technologies

We are admired by the most serious critics of Russia and the whole world with the help of technological innovations

Our service
We provide a range of services in the field of digital
Augmented reality projectd
An innovative way to overlay virtual objects on an image using a camera
Virtual reality
Simulators, panoramic reviews and interactive virtual journeys, including 360° videos
Mobile apps
Creating mobile apps for Android and iOS operating systems
Interactive installations
Interactive interaction with the client
The effect of the presence, the incredible imaging capabilities
3D modeling
High-quality 3D models with realistic animation
We use modern technologies to automate work processes and train employees
High quality animation videoclips and videos 360°
Technologies we use
Last cases

 Behind the ArPoint team are dozens of interesting projects

Kinetic installation for Rosatom State Corporation, Beijing
Interactive Multimedia Model for Atomexpo 2024
Interactive Presentation of Rosatom's Mining Division for Atomexpo 2024
Interactive Presentation "Smart City" for Rosatom at Atomexpo 2024
Rosatom's Multimedia Art Performance at Atomexpo 2024
Interactive presentation of fuel integrator for Rosatom at the CIENPI 2023. Beijing, China
Projects geography
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