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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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- Experimental assemblies for research in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion;

- Particle accelerators for fundamental research;

- Accelerators for radiation therapy and diagnostics, tomographs, electrophysical apparatus for biomedical purposes;

- Assemblies on the basis of particle accelerators and lasers for industrial defectoscopy and nondestructive inspection, activation analysis, radiation-chemical technological processes, surface modification, ecology;

- Technological laser assembly;

- Superconducting magnetic systems;

- Vacuum technological equipment, vacuum test units;

- Liquid-metal MHD generators;

- High-power electrical switching equipment, power-supply systems, capacitive and inductive energy storages;

- Multipurpose electromagnets;

- Transport equipment.

© 2004-2018, Efremov Institute, ITD. Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ ßíäåêñ.Ìåòðèêà